Footer changing


I’m having a strange (at least to me) problem with Writer.

This is what I do.
I open a document.
I select everything.
Then choose Paragraph and set Hyphenation to Automatically.

When all that is done, the problem appears: the footer has reverted to a different footer, one I used two years ago. In the example I have attached the footer reverts to the default footer.

I have attached an example. Hopefully someone can reproduce the problem. I’d really like to know what is causing this and how I can stop it from happening.

Thank you for any suggestions.

example.odt (31.4 KB)

I’m using Libre Office on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS.

For an unknown reason, the procedure changes page style from MP0 to Default Page Style. Since fotter and header (and their contents) are properties of page styles, this change results in the footer of Default Page Style to be displayed.

Re-apply MP0 to reset everything to what you expect.

PS: formatting-wise, your document is a sin against document processing. You use Writer which is a very advanced tool worse than a mechanical typewriter. All your text is Default Paragraph Style exclusively with direct formatting. You make your life complicated by not using the automation features offered by styles. Since you seem to be a higher-education person, I recommend you read at least the Writer Guide to learn how to use Writer efficiently.

Correctly using styles would have avoided your problem.

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I use a template in which I have defined the styles I want.
This has served me well for the 12 years I’ve been using Libre Office / Open Office.
I’ve never had issues before and I don’t consider using templates an inefficient way to use Writer.

This is a bug, caused by code incorrectly seeing the value of “with style” on the same tab page as “changed”, and applying it. It needs filing and fixing.

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