Using LibreOffice Writer on Windows XP sp3.
- Open new Writer document.
- In first line use default font “Times New Roman” and type in: one two three
- Press Enter. In second line type: four six seven.
- Select text in line two and change font to Courier New.
- Press End key to un-select the text and press Enter to move to third line.
- Don’t select anything just change font to Times New Roman, so next typed text will be in this new selected font.
- In third line type in: eight nine ten
- Select “five” (which is using font Courier New) from second line and click on Format Paintbrush.
- Select word nine (which is currently using Times New Roman) and release mouse button.
What happens? Whole third line: “eight nine ten” gets new font Courier New, but I would only like to change the font to selected area only in my case word nine.
Is this a bug in Format Paintbrush or does it work as designed? Is there any way I can format only the text copied?