In Calc, I am trying to apply the formatting from one cell to others with the Format paintbrush, called “clone formatting”, without luck. A test spreadsheet is attached.
I read that you need to Ctrl click to apply character formatting and paragraph formatting. I have tried all eight combinations without luck.
No ctrl’s.
Ctrl click on first cell, click on the paintbrush, and click on the the target cell.
Ctrl click on first cell, ctrl click on the paintbrush, and click on the the target cell.
Ctrl click on first cell, click on the paintbrush, and ctrl click on the the target cell.
Click on first cell, ctrl click on the paintbrush, and click on the the target cell.
Click on first cell, ctrl click on the paintbrush, and ctrl click on the the target cell.
Click on first cell, click on the paintbrush, and ctrl click on the the target cell.
Ctrl click on first cell, ctrl click on the paintbrush, and ctrl click on the the target cell.
If it helps to understand this, the target cell that won’t change contains text originally copied from a web page.