Format word wrap in Calc not working on long list

I just finished a list inside Calc of last names, some 30,000 of them. The problem is, at the column width (0.8") I decided on, the wider ones are not wrapping.

Yowell Ainsworth
Aglibam Bell
Green Mayfield

Just for fun I selected a few of them and placed them into a different column on that same sheet. Amazingly, they wrap just fine.
I just finished a list of last names, some 30,000 of them. The problem is, at the column width (0.8") I decided on, the wider ones are not wrapping.

Yowell Ainsworth
Aglibam Bell
Green Mayfield

Just for fun I selected a few of them and placed them into a different column on that same sheet. This way they wrap just fine.
image description

I’m guessing that LO Calc simply cannot manage the wrapping feature in a list this large but thought I’d give the forum a stab at some solution – or a workaround.


Do not know the answer to your problem but I am posting to let you know I have an 80,000+ row Calc file. I changed the city name column to your specs. Had no problem. Quick look shows all wrapping. Added another at the end & it wrapped also.

Did this on Ubuntu 20.04.1 Mate with LO v7.0.3.1 from TDF (The Document Foundation).

Hopefully someone else has an answer for you.


You should note your OS and Specific LO version.

Select all cells (can use Ctrl+* if no data in columns E and G) or select the column F (just clicking in the column heading).

Choose menu Format - Cells… (the same that Ctrl+1) - Alignment tab, and check Wrap text automatically.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 10 Home, Build 19041.630

And it works now?

If not solved, you can click edit below your question and use the paper clip to upload a sample file (remove all sensible data before).

No, LeroyG, it still doesn’t work. Just providing more specifics of my OS version and LO version.

I have the same problem. Double-clicking the row header adjusts the height to make it fit, but eventually it will go back to its un-fitted state with a small red arrow at the LHS of the cell to indicate that there’s an overflow. Just saving it is sometimes enough to reset the cell to the default single-row height. I’ve tried setting the row height and optimal row height using for a row, but nothing fixes it.