Formating "blank pages"


I have a question on inserting blank pages. It seems that if I use Insert>Page Break that this is what I’m getting, however one little paragraph maker stays at the top of that page and you can’t delete it. Is there some formatting going on that is not apparent, or is this inserted page really blank–empty?

Perhaps a little background on this: initially not being clear on how to insert an empty page, I simply hit return until I reached the bottom of the page so that it had a left-hand column of little paragraph markers and that was it. However when I tried to import the document into Scribus, it gave me fits with “overflow text” that Scribus said were invisible characters that numbered into the thousands. My guess is somehow it was tying to put in pages of characters from those little paragraph markers prior to finding the first instance of actual text. Am I right?


Maybe you can use right and left page styles; then you can insert a Page Break from left to left (or right to right) page style.

The basic element in Writer is a paragraph. A paragraph will receive text data and control data, such as breaks and spacing. In the end, your document is a sequence of paragraphs.

A blank document is reduced to an undeletable empty paragraph because this is the minimum.

You create new (empty when typing at the end) paragraphs with Enter or Ctrl+Enter. The latter one adds to the paragraph object control information to cause a page break.

With View>Formatting Marks enabled, when you see a single paragraph marker on a line, this paragraph really does not contain any text data. However there is always some form of control data with it, be it the space above and below this paragraph. Due to this control data, an empty paragraph is never “neutral”: it always occupies some rectangular space. This is this space Scribus takes into account (paragraph has no text but it does have a non-empty bounding box)

Using empty paragraphs to create empty pages is generally a bad idea because you are vulnerable to any change in formatting, like changing page style properties (margins, header, footer, …) which will mess up your manual layout. It is preferable to use page breaks because these are guaranteed to always be synchronised with pages.

If your need is more advanced, e.g. to always start a chapter on a right page, this can’t reliably be done with manual page break because you don’t known on which page (left or right) your text is presently laid out and this can change if you edit the document before this position. The way to handle this is with properties of page styles. These styles can be constrained to left or right pages and you tell writer to which style automatically switch when page overflows.

This is how built-in Left Page and Right Page work.

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Hi Ajittoz’

Thanks for answering. Of course I don’t have a blank document,but a left-hand blank page within the document, and you guessed right, many times it is that empty page before the right-hand chapter page.
I deleted all those little empty paragraph symbols form the Bottom up of the (left) page, not the top down.

This left me with the one paragraph symbol at the Top of the page where I Inserted > Page Break (I didn’t use the Manual break option). This seems to leave me with an empty page (paragraph) with as you said only the margins as the “bounding box”. Is this about as empty a page as I can get? Scribus seems a little happier with it but importing a fully formatted LO document is still giving me fits.

Bye the way macOS doesn’t offer a Page option to the dialog, it’s View>Sidebar>Page>Styles and then use the little stacked lines icon in the upper right-hand corner.


You can get a really empty page if you work with page styles. The best way is to constraint your chapter to start with Right Page. I assume the chapter heading is the first paragraph of the chapter and it is styled Heading 1. Add in the Text Flow tab of this paragraph a forced page break to Right Page.

You no longer need a manual page break. Whenever you style a paragraph Heading 1, a page break is automatically generated (associated with the chapter heading, so there is no empty paragraph). If this would lead to a left page, Writer will insert a really empty blank page on its own to cope with page parity.