Getting error- see comments in my code I pasted for where I get the error… If it’s because I need a different format string, what format string should I use to format the cell as a date?
function test9
Dim Doc As Object
Dim Sheet As Object
Dim Cell As Object
Dim NumberFormats As Object
Dim NumberFormatString As String
Dim NumberFormatId As Long
Dim LocalSettings As New
Doc = ThisComponent
Sheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Details by CSR")
Cell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(0,0)
Cell.Value = 44819 '"9/1/2022"
LocalSettings.Language = "en"
LocalSettings.Country = "us"
NumberFormats = Doc.NumberFormats
NumberFormatString = "M/dd/yyyy" 'What should I use to format as a date? Tried lots of things.
NumberFormatId = NumberFormats.queryKey(NumberFormatString, LocalSettings, True)
If NumberFormatId = -1 Then
'Next line gives RunTime error '1' : RunTimException
NumberFormatId = NumberFormats.addNew(NumberFormatString, LocalSettings)
End If
MsgBox NumberFormatId
Cell.NumberFormat = NumberFormatId
End Function