When I attempt to style (centering, styling, bulleting etc.) a part of a 2 column page, an entire column styles in the same way instead of the part I select. Does anyone have help?
Here is an example of the problem I’m having Screen capture - b9793eb83ee32550883a9868c30c9247 - Gyazo
A picture is not the same as the document itself, all the more when View
>Formatting Marks
is not enabled. Nothing can be deduced from the picture.
So a blind guess: instead of ending your paragraphs with Enter
, have you typed Shift
creates a line break without leaving the paragraph. When you press an alignment button, the alignment is applied to the entire paragraph. So if you have a single paragraph, guess what …
Anyway, using toolbar buttons is faulty when you have a document more than one page long. This is called direct formatting and will prevent you from achieving “comfortably” and easily a nicely tuned look. Learn to work with styles. See the Writer Guide.
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Actually that seems right, I have been using Shift + Enter to make some line breaks because it looks nicer, thanks for the answer.
Oh yup that’s right, thank you!