Formatting in Writer's comments getting messed up between sessions

Okay so I have a document that’s filled with a lot of comments, but when I save and close the documents and reopen them the formatting gets messed up. does anyone know a fix for this?

For the record I’m using windows 10 and my libre office version is

Just quickly made a better title.

If you open LibreOffice in its safe mode (Help > Restart in Safe Mode > Continue in Safe Mode) and then open the file, do the comments look correct?

Nope. That just messes it up even more. I even took the time to update to the latest version.

In that case it is probably an issue with the document. Is it an .odt document and has it always been an .odt?

If it has always been an odt, then you should post a bug report, How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki

Actually its a .docx Its was a template that was origonally made in word which I filled in with writer.

If you Save As odt, fix the comments and then save, do the comments remain as saved?

It is always best to work in native format otherwise things can be lost everytime it is open and converted to Writer document and then converted back to Word on save. So many conversations, it is like translating Russian to English, then English to Russian until all nuances and subtlety is lost and idioms turn into something unrelated to original meaning.