Formatting issues saving to PDF

Hi Guys. I am using Libreoffice Version: (x64)
Build ID: 8c6a8a1c6c7b144ce3cc729e34964b47ce25d62
Running under Win 10 and Linux Mint 19

I have an 80 page document with text / images. When saved to PDF some of the images are distorting badly. One image and a text box at least is moving position. Images are anchored to page, character or paragraph and wrap set. As the document is a book and needs to go to professional print, it needs to be right.

If saved to DocX the images are moving about the document badly so this is not an option. Saving as RTF is better but not perfect either for the same issues.
I have used Print to PDF file and this appears to be successful using the Windows facilities.

Can I have advice please about this can be resolved.

Likely tdf#106311

Cheers Mike - I am not using OpenGL.

In File>Export As>Export As PDF> PDF Options

Select “Lossless Compression”

That helped me when I was getting stretched images in PDF.