Formatting toolbar disappears when I click in text box

I’ve used LibreOffice for years, but have recently gone over to an updated version ( (on Linux Mint Mate 22.1)

With older versions I could go to View-Toolbars and the ones I clicked remained in view whatever, but now when I click formatting toolbar it appears, but then vanishes if I create a text box or click in one (and comes back when I click outside the text box).

The “Lock Toolbars” option in View-Toolbars doesn’t help.

I’d grateful if anyone could explain a solution to this.

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You must put the cursor in the text box (double click) to see the Formatting toolbar.

The formatting toolbar is there UNTIL I double click in the text box.

@BateyBates ,
Do not use a text box, use a frame (Insert → Frame) instead.

I’ve been using text boxes for years - and using the formatting toolbar to format the text in them.
Do I really have to switch to using frames?

Frames are like mini pages and can contain anything a page can, text with styles, tables, frames, etc. They also don’t disappear if you don’t put anything in them
Text boxes are drawing objects and the text can only be direct formatted, no styles can be used. This is probably why the Formatting toolbar disappears.
If you want to carry on using text boxes (not really a good idea) then the toolbar you need is Text Object (doesn’t includes style box)
Or you can just use the Sidebar

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Hi EarnestAI

That’s great. The sidebar works fine and so does the Text Object toolbar.
I’ve always found text boxes quick and easy and hope to keep using them.
Thankyou for taking the time to give me a useful reply.