Formula for rolling calculation from last 3 from a set of 28 cells

Hi All,

I have 28 columns, but want to add a formula in another cell that calculates from the last 3 cells within the 28 that have data, and ignore the ones that don’t.

For example, my cells are D1 through to AE1, and each represents a week’s worth of data so they will be filled up as the weeks go by. I want cell B1 to calculate just the last 3 weeks worth of data, but on a rolling basis, as each week goes by.

Many thanks,


Its IHMO missdesigned datasheet to ""jump to a new Column at the End of the week, why not simply go down with input of weeks worth of data?

There is no generalized answer to you question, we need some details about the Data and the calculation, please upload a example.ods with some random Data and Calculation.

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No problem, I can do it a manual way so will probably stick with that for now. Thanks for your help.