Formular populate table A to enter value in table B for each row in A


not the same problem, but kinda similar I’ve found here Entering data simultaneously to several tables on a form but it doesn’t answer those 3 questions:

  1. I want a form, that allows me to assign a value in table B to each row of table A to only one object. So the form must somehow create dynamically a textfield for each row in table A. Is this even possible with base?
  2. First if not, can the previous selected object in the listbox be kept for a new record?
  3. Second if not, how to keep an overview, what rows from table A are already assigned a value to, so that no duplicates occur?

Thank you.

TestDB.odb (31.4 KB)

ask118927.odb (49.1 KB)
P.S. Explanation:
The parent form is the 1-side of the relation, subform includes the n-side.
The subform is the connecting table connected to the main form by the common ID number (parent form’s primary key → subform’s foreign key).
Thus, the subform is filtered by the the parent form’s selected key value and every new subform record inherits the value of that key.
Both forms I’ve added are similar to each other. One shows the units of the selected object, the other one shows the objets of the selected item.

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Sorry if I did not describe my problem clear enough.
In your provided example, your list_objets form is close. But it shows only entries, where values already exist.
What I’m trying to do is:
Select an object I want to assign values for all rows listed in table list_units. Therefore I want to display each row no matter of a value is already assigned or not.
For the next object I’m selecting I want to do the same again.

Database forms edit one record at a time. Build groups of objects and add one group of objects to a unit.

I concur with Villeroy’s example. However, in order to show all rows “no matter of a value…”, then the “value” field of the “assignments…” table must have its “Entry required” property set to “No”. That should do it!