Hi there!
I am trying to write a macro that will copy some strings and values from one table to another and add formulas that work with said strings and values.
The copying works fine, but when i insert the formulas they do not evaluate.
This is the macro code in question:
cocktailauswahl.getCellByPosition(2, linesCopied).Formula = "=VERWEIS(A" & (linesCopied+1) & ";$Zutaten.$A$3:$Zutaten.$A$100;$Zutaten.$E$3:$Zutaten.$E$100)*B" & (linesCopied+1) & "/1000"
And it works to the point that the cells contain this formula:
(the number 3 is correctly calculated by the macro, no problems there)
But the cell which contains the formula just shows
A workaround i found is to replace every ‘=’ in the document with ‘=’, which triggers a (re-)evaluation of the formulas. Additionaly, after the replacing, the function name is written in all caps and i am suspecting the problem having to do something with this.
So my question is whether i do something wrong or how i can resolve this.
Thanks in advance, i will provide mor information if needed.
btw VERWEIS is the german equivalent of LOOKUP