Frames on pictures

I have imported a .pub file and it has pictures in different framed shapes like circles etc. I want to swap out the pictures with new ones into the existing shapes but when I add the pics they are all square and I can’t figure out how to get them into the framed shapes. Can anyone help me please?

Thank you

I don’t think there are Frames in Draw, but any shape which has an area property can take an image, and may then be functionally seen as a “frame”. This even works with self-intersecting polygons.
Depending on the relative size, aspect ratio, and geometry of the shape and the image you need to choose one of the modes under Area>>Image, and possibly to set additional properties.

I am sure you are correct. They appear as frames to me. Would you be able to walk me through the process? Do I add the picture first or create the shape first? As you can tell I am a rookie when it comes to this program.
Thank you for your help

First the shape, then (Rightclick)

>Context menu>Area>>Image
You find a small collection of “images” of different types (may even be pdf), and you can add (insert) some of your own images from your file system to it.
Now it’s time for playing with the different settings. You will learn all you
need by “trial and error” faster than i can write and you can read.
disask118748_AreaImages.odg (273.2 KB)

I have version 24.8 and don’t see a context menu. Would that be under another tab across the top to add? Sorry for my ignorance

In Draw to intersect a shape with an image

  1. Insert an image such as a jpg or png

  2. Draw a shape, such as a star, and place it over the image so that the shape is contained within the boundaries of the image. If the shape is underneath the image then click Shape > Arrange > Bring to front

  3. Select both the image and the shape. Click Shape > Intersect

You might be able to use the shape from the existing .pub shapes, I would need a sample to test

This shouldn’t be version dependent. Next to any selected object should have a context menu which you can open by a simple right click. That’s the case for many decades now.

Ok that is awesome thanks. I had it like that but didn’t get both images clicked at the same time I guess. Will play around with it now.

You can drag select around them or you can Shift+click to add to the selection

If you need an exact crop of your image so it isn’t distorted at all, you can follow the steps in this comment for another similar question, [UNRESOLVED BUG] Intersecting shape and image resizes original image - #6 by EarnestAl