I have created an FTP account at my web host just for LO. My webhost login requires a username of the form “myuser@mydomain.com”, and I cannot change the format of the required username. But LibreOffice replaces the “@” sign with “%40”, making “myuser%40mydomain.com”- so login fails. How do I get “@” to work?
It messes up the username when I either “File | Save File to Remote Server…” or “File | Open Remote File…” using FTP.
Can you please clarify what are you doing when LO does this replace?
If it’s opening files from your FTP server, then can you try using “Open Remote File” feature of LO?
I am trying to use File | Save to Remote Server…
When the PWD fails, it brings up a dialog that shows the faulty (modified) username.
“Open Remote File” does the same thing with the username
I notice it substitutes space characters in filenames, too. ("%20"). That, is when I save files locally, but not all the time.
It messes up the username when I either “File | Save File to Remote Server…” or “File | Open Remote File…” using FTP.
Well, I suppose, it’s best to open an issue in bugzilla for that. To test, it would be great if you could provide a test access to an ftp with settings like the server you are connecting to. Anyway, full description of problem is required prerequisite for a good bug report.
I’m sorry, but I cannot help much here myself.