Hi @ROSt53,
We’ve seen interest in localized Ask sites for various languages – Spanish, German, Russian, etc.
There’s currently just one localized Ask (Askbot) site, here (in Brazilian-Portuguese):
The PT-BR site may just be a test until we have some more time to work on the site.
Per email to the website list, there were some requirements for setting up the PT-BR localization:
- A site administrator and moderators are needed
- [The admin/mods] need to perform the initial settings, set up external interfaces etc.
- Missing strings must be translated. This must happen both upstream and locally.
But before that happens, we currently have a few bugs in the backend and are in a holding pattern on pretty much all of them until after an upgrade to the Askbot software lands…hopefully before the end of this week (Alex is the one scheduling that).
If you are interested in a localized Ask site in German (or any other language), please check-in with your language-specific localization team (per @manj_k) and drum up some support for the idea. Speaking based on my experience on the Ask site, you’ll want some enthusiastic volunteers to step up and be active in monitoring the site, answering questions, directing questions-that-are-bugs to the bugtracker, etc… 
You also should check the upstream localization work for Askbot and help your translation get to 100%. It looks like some of that work is going on here. Just for reference, percentage translation done for some of the requested languages:
- Russian - 100%
- Portuguese (BR) - 97%
- Spanish - 90%
- French - 88%
- German - 75%