You can easy get same result with simple macro:
Option Explicit
Sub createFileList
Dim oFolderDialog As Object, oUcb As Object
Dim sStartFolder As String
Dim aList As Variant, aRes As Variant
Dim nRow As Long, i As Long
Dim sFullName As String, sExt As String, sFile As String, sPath As String, lLen As Long, _
sDateTime As String, iAttr As Integer, isRO As String, isHidden As String
Dim oDoc As Variant, oSheet As Variant, oRange As Variant
sStartFolder = ""
oFolderDialog = CreateUnoService("")
oUcb = createUnoService("")
If oUcb.Exists(GetPathSettings("Work")) Then _
If oFolderDialog.Execute() = 1 Then
sStartFolder = oFolderDialog.GetDirectory()
If oUcb.Exists(sStartFolder) Then sStartFolder = ConvertFromUrl(sStartFolder)
End If
If sStartFolder = "" Then Exit Sub
aList = ReadDirectories(sStartFolder, True, True, False)
nRow = UBound(aList)
If nRow < 0 Then Exit Sub
ReDim aRes(nRow)
For i = LBound(aList) To UBound(aList)
sFullName = ConvertFromURL(aList(i,0))
sPath = DirectoryNameOutOfPath(sFullName, GetPathSeparator())
sFile = FileNameOutOfPath(sFullName, GetPathSeparator())
sExt = LCase(GetFileNameExtension(sFullName))
lLen = FileLen(sFullName)
sDateTime = Format(FileDateTime(sFullName),"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")
iAttr = GetAttr(sFullName)
isRO = Format((iAttr And 1)>0,"BOOLEAN")
isHidden = Format(CBool((iAttr And 2)>0),"BOOLEAN")
aRes(i) = Array(sPath, sFile, sExt, sDateTime, aList(i,1), lLen, isRO, isHidden)
Next i
oDoc = CreateNewDocument("scalc")
oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0,0,7,0).setDataArray(Array(Array _
("Folder Path","Name","Extention","Date","Kind","Size","ReadOnly","Hidden")))
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0,1,UBound(aRes(0)),UBound(aRes)+1)
oRange.getColumns().OptimalWidth = True
End Sub