Get object reference to last image clicked and click coordinates

Using macros, is there a way to recognize which image of the document has been clicked on, obtaining its name and at which point inside the image (x and y coordinates)?
Thanks in advance for any suggestion

Libreoffice SO: Ubuntu 16.04

Counter question - why? What then happens to these coordinates?

Each image is divided into sub-panels, each with a thumbnail, all panels equal and of known size.
Knowing the name of the image and the internal coordinates where the click was performed, relative information is obtained.
However, in the logic of deepening event management in LO, I am also interested in the problem itself

Not answering the “click position” question: maybe you could use ImageMap object property instead?
Use Tools|Image Map to define it in UI.

I recently started working on imagemaps, I managed to manage them manually by associating both links and macro calls (which however are only activated with mouseover and mouseout, not with mouse click)
Mapping works for me, it’s not this the problem
But the main problem is that there could potentially be too many images to map
Manually it is not convenient, I could map them all with a macro, but I would have a non-negligible overhead for each image, given the number.
A click on the image, a clickrelease event on the document, and the recognition of both the image (from event.source) and the coordinates would be much more convenient for me.
On the net, however, I can’t find an example or theoretical notes from which to start
The click event on the document I can handle, it works, but the event object gives me coordinates relative to the document, and not to the image, and event.source doesn’t give me any reference to the image.
ThisComponent.currentselection makes me a reference to a textRange and not the image object