I have an odt writer document with 2 input text fields (added with the form designer toolbar). I manually type text into one of the fields. I copy/pasted a macro to see if I could grab the text within the input field but haven’t had any luck.
This is the macro in Basic:
REM Author: Heike Talhammer
REM Modified: Andrew Pitonyak
Sub EnumerateFields
Dim vEnum
Dim vVal
Dim s1$, s2$
Dim sFieldName$, sFieldValue$, sInstanceName$, sHint$, sContent$
vEnum = thisComponent.getTextFields().createEnumeration()
If Not IsNull(vEnum) Then
Do While vEnum.hasMoreElements()
MsgBox "In loop"
vVal = vEnum.nextElement()
If vVal.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField.Input") Then
s1=s1 &"Hint:" & sHint & " - Content: " & sContent & chr(13)
'change the content
vVal.setPropertyValue("Content", "My new content")
End If
If vVal.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField.User") Then
sFieldName =vVal.textFieldMaster.Name
sFieldValue = vVal.TextFieldMaster.Value
sInstanceName= vVal.TextFieldMaster.InstanceName
s2 = s2 & sFieldName & " = " & sFieldValue & chr(13) & "InstanceName: " & sInstanceName & chr(13)
'new value for textfield
End If
MsgBox s1, 0, "=== Input Fields ==="
MsgBox s2, 0, "=== User Fields ==="
End If
End Sub
When I run this macro I just get 2 blank message boxes with the titles “=== Input Fields ===” and “=== User Fields ===”. (the message “In loop” is NOT displayed)
What am I doing wrong?