Get the cell <s>containing</s> having anchored the button that fired a macro

I have a Calc document that contains some buttons (it’s the same button, just copied&pasted). Those buttons are anchored to different cells (Edit mode: Right click → Anchor → To cell). I bind the “execution” event of that button to a Python macro. In this macro, I’d like to know which cell contains the button that fired the event.

def myMacro(event):
    cell = ???

If there ever was an answer or a comment, it was obviously lost.
The solution is simple and clear, of course. I give it in Basic, but it will surely love to migrate to Python.

Sub anchorAndPositionOfFormControlInaSheet(pEvent)
source = pEvent.Source
aParent = source.accessibleContext.AccessibleParent
parentEA = aParent.EXtendedAttributes
REM Get the sheet index from this pretty string:
sIndex = CInt(Split(Split(parentEA, "page-number:")(1), ";")(0)) - 1
control = source.Model
doc = control.Parent.Parent.Parent
shapeContainer = doc.Sheets(sIndex).DrawPage
uSh = shapeContainer.Count - 1
For j = 0 To uSh
 j_sh = shapeContainer(j)
 If EqualUnoObjects(j_sh.Control, control) Then Exit For
next j
found = (j<=uSh)
If found Then
 msg = j_sh.Anchor.AbsoluteName
 msg = "shape hosting the control not found."
End If
End Sub  


The FormControl doesn’t know about its anchor. It’s the shape hosting the control which knows.
I would suggest to distinguish copied control objects by their names in every case, but also to provide them with te needed additional information via the .Tag property which is (fun again!) listed as “Additional information…” in the control editor. The cell to which the hosting shape is anchored shouldn’t be of much meaning.

Other option is set cell in property Tag and get it
