Getting the Base file data through HSQLDB connection

Is it possible to get the information from a Base file through HSQLDB a la:

java -cp ../lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.server.Server --database.0 file:mydb --dbname.0 xdb

so I could use the GUI manager to inspect the Base file data?

The embedded databases HSQL and Firebird are desktop databases for a single user.
You can turn an embedded HSQLDB into an external one (<= version 2.4.1) and connect any suitable JDBC client to the stand-alone database.

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Quick solution:

  1. Make a backup copy of your database document.
  2. Download to a trusted directory, open it and click the install button. This adds a Python module under [My Macros]>pyDBA>ExtractHSQL
  3. If you want to use a more recent driver up to 2.4.1: add a subdirectory “driver” with the hsqldb.jar
  4. Open your database and call the Python module’s Main routine.

Now you have a subdirectory “database” and your database is connected to that external database using the driver/hsqldb.jar if given or the HSQL driver that is shipped with LibreOffice otherwise. That database is accessible from external tools such as SQurieLSQL or the hsqltool that is shipped with the HSQL package. You may also setup a HSQL server for multi-user access.

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