Global macro library seems to have vanished

I have a python script that is supposed to call libreoffice with a macro in a global library, feeding the macro parameters. Somewhere along the line, it seems the library containing the macro vanished, whether through an update or otherwise. The kicker is it’s been years (and a brain surgery) since I wrote the macro, and I don’t think I can re-create it. My memory may be faulty, so here’s the line of the python script that is supposed to call the macro:

process =[soffice, 'macro:///DataLog.Module1.Log('+maindir+'/Template.ods,'+xlsfile+','+join(datedir,split(datedir)[1]+".ods")+')'])

soffice is defined in the earlier line

soffice = "C:\Program Files/LibreOffice/program/soffice.exe"

As I read that macro-launching line, I believe the 'macro:///DataLog.Module1.Log('+maindir+'/Template.ods,'+xlsfile+','+join(datedir,split(datedir)[1]+".ods")+')' is supposed to be the macro launched, along with its parameters. This is why I believe it’s supposed to be in a global library “DataLog”, which I can’t find, anymore. Does anyone have any thoughts that they think might b helpful?

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Awesome, thanks! You’re right. I am happy. I guess I did have a backup, just not in the traditional sense.