Google Drive - not able to set up

I am using LO on two computers, Windows 10, Linux Ubuntu, and neither of these are able to connect to Google Drive for sharing remote files.

I have been searching the web and most issues/responses are over two years old, has this issued been resolved?


IMHO, no. And one is not allowed to simply write No, as the answer needs to be 19 chars long…

Nautilus supports access to Google Drive accounts, and you can open LO files from there - wouldn’t that work for you?

If an extension is acceptable you may try the linked thread. I didn’t test, as I sync some folder with Dropbox in my case, but I don’t save directly there.

Been discussing this under a different thread:

I use both Linux Ubuntu and Windows 11, and neither works and both come up with the same failure. My guess is that the code which handles credentials is deprecated. Haven’t heard a thing from the LO folks, but I don’t have much time for their Bugzilla site.