Graphics (or drawing) caption position "above" does not work

Win 11, LO 7.4, Writer
I need to add a caption to a grouped “drawing” or diagram. The caption must show above, not below the image. There is a setting when adding the caption where I can select as position “above”. After choosing that, the caption appears below the object. Tried this with an image - the position “above” works here. So there is a bug with the other object types?

Please upload a small, ODF type sample file here.

I think you need to report a bug, How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki

As far as I can see it is only Drawing objects that don’t initially respect the Above caption setting. You can drag the drawing object down to displace the caption to the top but then you need to resize the outer frame taller as the outer frame shrinks so the drawing object is partially outside the frame.

I generally make my drawings in Draw, saved as .odg, and Export as svg; these import into Writer nicely and normally don’t do odd stuff when captioned.

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Some explanation about the clue hinted at by @EarnestAl: captioning works with “normalized” text-flow objects, i.e. what can be expected in text. Drawing objects are courtesy feature available to decorate your document, similar to background image or watermark. In other words, they are totally external to text and don’t interact with it, or rather scarcely and tuning this interaction is quite tricky.

One important thing to understand is that Writer provides only reduced capabilities for arranging drawing objects (because the feature is not intended for complex drawing). In particular, you can’t group objects. When you select your drawing, made from a collection of basic objects, several objects become candidates for the next action. Captioning can be applied only to a single object. “Caption above” probably works as intended by on some object. Which one? Certainly not all as a whole. The result is not the expected one.

If your drawing should be part of your flow, you must create it such that Writer recognises it so.

Consequently, design your drawing in Draw. This has several advantages. Not the least of it is easier and more powerful design. Select and copy the part(s) of the drawing your are interested in. Paste into Writer. All the elementary shapes are implicitly grouped to form a conceptual single object. “Caption above” will “work” as expected.

Another possibility is to caption manually because, after all, Insert>Caption is nothing else than a macro call to create various frames and the caption paragraph with field.