Group endnotes by chapters

My book structure has chapters and I’d like to add endnotes after the end of the chapter, like this:

Chapter 01
Notes (from chapter01)
Notes (from chapter02)

I found some posts about it, using sections, but I was not able to make it work. I’ve added a section, but endnotes are still going to the last page of the document (after bibliography).

How to solve it?

The ‘solutions’ that I found in the forum are workarounds, but this structure is quite common in books. Shouldn’t it be realeased with a proper function of LibreOffice Writer?


A good practice would have been to insert links to them so that we can see if they apply to your case.
What you want is indeed based on sections. But there are some pitfalls to avoid:

  • you didn’t mention the save format of the document (nor OS name and LO version)
    A major cause of failure is to assume that save format (.odt vs. .doc(x)) is “neutral” regarding formatting. The two main document standards ODF and DOCX have indeed common parts but diverge significantly on advanced features. And sections+notes are categorised as “advanced features”. Therefore your specification will be preserved only in .odt.
  • there is some ambiguity in Writer between footnotes and endnotes
    Endnotes are always collected at end of document/section, but footnotes are more versatile and can be configured to behave like endnotes. You must then be consistent when you insert a note to avoid mixing the concepts.
  • configuring note behaviour is done in two locations
    Tools>Footnotes & Endnotes defines the look of notes and their anchors. This applies over the whole document.
    The location of the notes is a section property. Consequently you must adjust it on creation in the Footnotes/Endnotes tab, or later by editing the same tab after pressing on the Options buttons in the section edit dialog.

There are other subtleties in the scheme, such as adding a “heading” at start of your notes. The only thing you can’t do with present Writer is to add a page break before your notes. Then a heading is a best surrogate (you create it with an unnumbered note attached to the chapter heading and apply a paragraph style to make it look like a heading).

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I think it’s a big pitfall with the software.
I don’t think I’m a newbie but I just couldn’t do.
When I add the section where I want , nothing happens and the footnotes keep continuing at the end of the document. If I write something inside the section and add a endnote it display as a footnote below the last paragraph inside the section.

Im using ODT
test.odt (13.0 KB)

I hadn’t notice the difference. sorry

Your error lies in the range of your sections. You created them after your “Notes” but they contain nothing.

Instead, create first your sections (one per chapter). Inside each section, type your chapter heading and its text. When you insert a note, this note is inside the chapter section and is then “jailed” into it. You’ll get what you’re looking for.
I added a fake note at chapter heading to create the “Notes” paragraph before the notes. I also customised the Footnotes settings in Default Page Style to center the separator.

Study carefuly the corrected sample: test(1).odt (12.3 KB)

No offence intended, but you have not yet understood the advantages of styles and the benefits already present in built-in styles. Don’t vertically space with empty paragraphs. This is mechanical typewriter era usage; you can do much better with Indents & Spacing configuration in paragraph styles. Don’t horizontally space with spaces or tabs.

Default Paragraph Style should not be applied to any text. This style is the ancestor of all others. Its role is to defined attributres shared by all others so that modifying it quickly gives another consistent look to your document (you also have other intermediate ancestors in the tree of styles; select Hierarchical view in the style Navigator to have an idea of the relations between styles). The “standard” paragraph style for text is Text Body.

If you want to indent the first line of your topic paragraphs, use First Line Indent and get rid of the initial tab.

Learn how to use styles: paragraph for global paragraph look, character when you want to differentiate a word within a paragraph, page to define page layout and various properties (header, footer, notes geometry). You can skip frame styles if you have no picture or drawings. List styles are useful when you need to format list (beware of Format>Bullets & Numbering or the toolbar buttons; they cause afterwards more problems than the apparent “comfort” they offer to quick’n’dirty create lists).


Ok, thanks.
I still have one problem: when I try to add a new section, even by adding a page break after the last footnote, the new section doesn’t start at a new page.

So, how can I add a new section after the endnotes in one section? how can i “exit” the section?

You probably didn’t add an empty paragraph at end of your document (not included in the last section). In other words, your section is the effective last “object” in the document.

In this case:

  1. put the cursor in last position of the last text paragraph in the section (just before the last paragraph mark). By this, I mean don’t put the cursor at end of the last note because a note is not the “logical” last object in the encoding although it looks visually the last one. A note is stored at its anchor and is later carried to its printing position.
  2. press Alt+Enter
    This creates a new empty paragraph after the section.

Now, when in this new last paragraph, create a section as usual.

I am not sure to understand the question. Usually clicking outside the section is enough to jump anywhere in the document.

alt+enter worked, all problems solved.
Thanks :slight_smile: