Headers and Footers do not display

This effects both old and new documents. All the pages collapse on one another.

Cannot create Headers or Footers. System asks me if I want to delete a header, but I cannot see it.

  • *[quote=“hopkinsjj9, post:1, topic:83509, full:true”]
    This effects both old and new documents. All the pages collapse on one another.

Cannot create Headers or Footers. System asks me if I want to delete a header, but I cannot see it.


I Uninstalled version 7.4.2 and installed 7.3.6.
Problem fixed!

You have not fixed the problem. You just displaced it. Check View>Display Whitespace

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OK. Let me see if I got this straight.
Edit all documents as an ODT.
Any time I need a DOCX document, pull it from an ODT document, but make all changes to the ODT document only.

Correct !

You have disabled whitespace display. To reenable, View>Show Whitespace.

Golden rule: your screenshot shows you saved your document .docx. You won’t be able to keep all formatting features across sessions because of the double conversion to and from foreign format to internal format. Don’t do that while you are working on your document. It is tolerable to translate only once at end of job iff you must send the document to somebody who really can’t read .odt. Remember that even Word can read .odt (though they practice malice to do it in a biaised way).