Headers not present on first page, but on the other ones

Good evening and a Happy New Year!
My name is Marius-Constantin Popa and I have a document template made by me for the magazine that I make. I have headers and footers. I want footers to be available for all pages, but headers only for the pages except the first one. Can I change the page properties even if there are already two documents I worked on in the meantime? Anyway, how should I change the page properties to my needs? Thank you in advance! Have a nice evening!

Kind regards,
Marius-Constantin Popa

Information missing in your question:

  • OS name
  • LO version
  • save format

You mention a “template”. Is is a true .ott file? Or is it a kind of “skeleton” document you modify for a specific issue?

How is the “magazine” structured? Has it a cover page, then a sequence of “ordinary” running pages? Or is it more sophisticated with a cover page and several “articles” with a starting (“first”) page and contents pages?

Have you page numbers? What is your requirement?

For the most basic structure, if and only if the document is an .odt (or your template is an .ott), you can customise your page style. It is likely you have presently only one, in this case Default Page Style.

My LibreOffice is installed on a Windows 11 and bears the 24.8 version. All my files are saved in the proprietary odt 1.3 extended format. When I wrote ‘template’, I actually made reference to a kind of ‘skeleton’ that I modify for a specific need. I make the cover separately. The ‘body’ of the magazine is made of separate files for contents, articles, next issue and the fourth cover. The ‘template’ that I use now has a first page reference at its header and then a default reference on the pages. The first page has no header content, although the space for the header is assigned. I have page numbers in the footers of all pages.

odt = Open Document Text, i.e. not proprietary, in fact quite the opposite. See What is OpenDocument? | LibreOffice - Free and private office suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft
The simplest way to have a different first page is to set the page style to first page but this might not be suitable for your newsletter. Can you share a “template” with some random text (dt+F3 or lorem+F3) filled in?

Good afternoon! Thank you for your help! Have a nice day!