Help broken LibreOffice (X86_64)

I installed LO (X86_64) and its help pack to the same directory. LO Calc and the other modules will not show Help. They are looking for an HTML file (LibreOffice/help/index.html), which does not exist. In Tools-> Options there is no path for Help anymore.

If I directly double-click on “E:\Program Files\LibreOffice\help\en-US\noscript.html” I’m taken to a page in my Brave browser that says “Enable JavaScript in the browser to display LibreOffice Help pages.” That is a privileged page where permissions cannot be configured. I removed NoScript but that did not help.

I tried LO in Safe Mode with the same result.

I think you are asking in the wrong forum. Try this, How to enable Java Script - Desktop Support - Brave Community

The Help you downloaded must match the program file for

  • bitness, 32 or 64 bit
  • operating system
  • language. Note that if the program is en (GB) then Help of en (US) will not work.

Double-clicking on "C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\help\index.html" instead
Note that in your question you said you deleted a file. Reinstall the help.

I’m having the exact same problem on Linux Mint. All the help files are there except index.html. Here’s a listing of the contents of opt/libreoffice24.8/help/en-US

hugh@5491-2n1:~$ ls -laF /opt/libreoffice24.8/help/en-US
total 1020
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root   4096 Feb  4 15:13 ./
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root   4096 Feb  3 18:35 ../
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 883927 Dec 12 20:32 bookmarks.js
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 135744 Dec 12 20:32 contents.js
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   1330 Dec 12 20:32 langnames.js
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    238 Dec 12 20:32 noscript.html
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root   4096 Feb  3 18:09 text/

There seem to be no way to add the “Help” path to “Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Paths”. Are either or both of these bugs? Can I download the contents of index.html from somewhere?

Do any real humans see this help site? JethroAI just sees a particular word in a message and goes off on a tangent.

@hughh Are you using Brave browser? If not, I think you will get a better response if you open your own question as this one is Windows with Brave browser.
If you do use Brave browser, consider asking on their site.

Thanks for the suggestion @EarnestAl !

No, I am using Firefox. While trying to test for the same problem with Chromium, I discovered that I no longer have issues accessing the local LibreOffice Help. It turns out I had remnants of previous LibreOffice installations lingering on my system. Earlier today, I began cleaning them up, and now everything works as expected.

Hopefully, this information will help others facing any similar issue with local LibreOffice access.

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I’m asking here because LO is looking in the wrong place for a help file that doesn’t exist. I’m using the English version of Calc.

I get the same error message if I open the file in Firefox, so Brave isn’t the problem. LO is looking for a help file that doesn’t exist, in a folder that doesn’t exist.

Please do not use use Suggest a solution for comments. Instead click on the comment bubble for the item you want to comment.

And you deduct from the name of the browser-extension the term noscript will nowhere be used for a filename? But even an AI could see noscript.html is an actual file in your listing.

I guess you need to differ between two capital letters AI and the beginning of names like Albert, Allistair, wich are often abbreviated by Al.
To my knowledge TDF has no AI running (neither in LibreOffice, nor on this site). But this would not prevent someone to try this. But I guess for the moment this would be an expensive playground…


This “delphidoc” user got rude. Marking their “comments” as such. Even ignoring the fact that “a human” doesn’t need to know that “NoScript is a browser extension, not a file” (actually, an “artificial intelligence” could “know” that better).