I’ve written a novel, 240k words, and decided that my chapters are too long. I want to liberate scenes from chapters. Fortunately, I start every scene with a dateline: date, time, place. I’d like to create a json file listing all the scenes which I can then use to insert new chapter names. (I’ve got 50 chapters now. I want 75.)
My datelines all use paragraph styles. In fact, I don’t think there’s a single element not styled with paragraph/page styles.
Some time ago I looked at learning the embedded BASIC, but was put off by the rather non-BASIC bits you had to learn before you could start coding. I’ve used BASIC for many years, so that’s an option. Recommendation for a good tutorial would be very helpful.
Or just a way to delete all the characters in fonts 11 points and down would discard all but chapter/scene headers and I could copy/paste that into my coding editor and attack what’s left with some regex.