Help Please with multiple IF conditions in one cell

I’m trying to correct a date value with a double IF condition. Where a date (TEXT or GENERAL) has only the year, and the month and day (either or both) are zero. I want to convert the month to 01 and the day to 01.
For example
19540000 to be changed to 19540101
or 19541200 to be changed to 19541201.
If the date is normal, then leave it as it is
19450815 copies as 19450815

See Calc example.
Either of the single IF statements works, but how do I put them together in one statement?

=IF(RIGHT(A2,2)=“00”, LEFT(A2,LEN(A2)-2) &“01”,A2), IF(RIGHT(A2,4)=“0000”, LEFT(A2,LEN(A2)-4) &“0101”,A2)

How about =LEFT(A2;4)&"-"&IF(MID(A2;5;2)="00";"01";MID(A2;5;2))&"-"&IF(MID(A2;7;2)="00";"01";MID(A2;7;2)) to give 1954-01-01?
Delete the &"-"s if needed for other processing or you can add a formula in another cell =DATEVALUE(C2) to give you a date that you can calculate with.
surround the formula with the datevalue and parentheses and format the cell as YYYY-MM-DD =DATEVALUE(LEFT(A2;4)&"-"&IF(MID(A2;5;2)="00";"01";MID(A2;5;2))&"-"&IF(MID(A2;7;2)="00";"01";MID(A2;7;2)))

Thank you for that - it works, but I don’t want the “-” insertions. The date needs to be used as a numeric date in the next program which does a conversion to dd mmm yyyy (eg 21 December 1954 etc)
I have left just the one & in and it gives the date correctly.