Help - Sidebar missing

Any help is appreciated: I closed the sidebar in Writer (OSX 10.9.5, LO 4.4.03), and now I can’t find any way to reopen it. Hunted through all the menus/preferences, disabled and re-enabled experimental features. (note: I did have the sidebar enabled as an experimental feature in LO 4.2)

Any idea how I can get it back?


I found the answer, finally, in this post:

But I am wondering:

Is this the result of me upgrading libreoffice instead of having a fresh install


Does this qualify as a bug? (it seems like it should have been on my menu by default, since it reportedly would be in a fresh install).


I don’t think it has to do with upgarding or removiing and installing LibO. AFAIK starting with v4.3 the sidebar is enabled automaticlly. In Max OS 10.6.8 and LibO 4.3 it works without problems.

I am afraid that there is a bug in 4.4.0.

Maybe you can test with 4.3.5 or 4.3.6