Help with corrupted writer file - format error

Hello, can someone please try to help me to repair a corrupted odt file? My attempts to change the content.xml were not successful.
The error message is “format error discovered in the file in subdocument content.xml at 2,7665 (row,col)”.
Here is the file: file.odt

OS name, Exact LO version? Was your file originally a .doc(x) and you enabled Track changes?

Please answer in your question, not with a comment. This leaves all information grouped in a single location, without scrollign.

To edit a question, click on below it, then on the “pencil” icon.

PS: don’t use DropBox which requires credentials. Attach (upload) your file directly to your question (the tool is the icon looking like an Outbox with an upward arrow.

PPS: After recovery by @mikekaganski, your document happens to be 229 pages long. It is TOTALLY direct formatted. If you hope to work efficiently on it, learn to use styles. I highly recommend you read the Writer Guide for an introduction. Working without styles on such large documents is really sado-masochistic. You create all conditions for turning formatting into a nightmare.

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file.odt (553.1 KB)

OpenOffice 4.1.8? Seriously?


Many, many thanks!