Woke up this AM and opened up a “standard” spreadsheet I have been using for years. Unfortunately, what a I found (and could barely see) was my spreadsheet; HOWEVER, all the cells had a dark background, no discernable gridlines, and text / numbers in Black. Thereby, making any spreadsheet data close to impossible to see (Black text / numbers on a dark cell background). I did nothing different this morning that have done for years. It is almost as if the whole spreadsheet changed since last time I used it.
Is there any understanding of this particular issue from the Community? Any recovery solutions?
Thank you, DW
Did you maybe switch the color theme in windows? Or maybe it was changed by a windows update? By default LO will take the color mode set in windows. You can try in the windows search in the menu bar to look for “Dark Mode” and it should show you the option “Turn on dark mode for apps”. You could switch here to light mode, LibreOffice should follow on the next startup. You can also set the mode in LibreOffice itself. If this is done you can overwrite the windows config. Now the location of this config has just changed, as I found out today. If you have a version before 25, you should find the option in the Menu Options → Tools → General → View and there is the Option Appearance, which should hold Light, Dark and System. System will follow Windows settings. For LO 25+ it is in Options → Tools → General → Appearance. If its just an Theme problem for your file, it should be enough to switch to light mode in LO or in Windows and your file should look fine again. Make sure to restart LO after switching, and press the “Apply” button if you switch in LO itself, not only ok. At least that worked best for me.
Sorry I made a mixup in the description, it should be
Options → Tools → LibreOffice-> View
Options → Tools → LibreOffice-> Appearance
General is a own submenu. I somehow mixed that up when writing.
Thank you, …Dude. New laptop, Windows 11 - No strange setup or changing any default settings. (Never changed “dark more” in Windows or LO.) Running LO 25.x.x (most recent…) Interesting. I will however try your suggestions. Thank you, again. “DW”
The default setting might be dark mode on new windows laptops and then LO will use its default to follow the system. That would explain it…
Nope… When I said “New” I meant relatively new… Bought last October. And use it extensively everyday. In addition, I use this spreadsheet at least 3-4 times a week (and since the computer was bought). I am trying to remember when I went from LO 24.x.x to LO 25…(?) and what other spreadsheets I have used (manipulated, changed cell background colors, etc.)…
But thank you again for the suggestions (that I have not tried, yet).