Thanks a lot to all for comments, it is helpfull for me :-)!
Absolutely never mind you didn’t study the documentation yet. My English isn’t so good and I don’t want to afflict somebody with not so good English :-). But the true is there isn’t a lot of text, because there are mainly images with tree for given variants. But let’s solve the Simple variant now, it is easist and fastest :-).
The question is: how to remove recursion in step 4)?
I decided if to add the example in Basic here, but there are 3 examples (2x BAS, 1x PY) a I didn’t want to “overflow” this Ask at start with more examples :-).
I let Czech letters in constant sINIT, so change it for your example. And fill array p() with your words to test.
private gpi() 'array with the indexed letters
private gi&, gpOut() 'index and array for result
Sub TreeSortSimple
on local error goto bug
dim oDoc as object
dim p(), i&, j&, k&, s$, s1$, min&, max&, p1(), iCount&, a&, index&, iLen&, iEmpties&
max=0 : min=&hffff& 'maximal and minimal Ascii code for used characters (min=&h10ffff& for Full-Unicode)
dim pb(max to min) as boolean 'info array, which characters are used
rem small Czech alphabet - edit it for your use, separate the characters by space, the space has reserved word: space
'! but don't add characters with more letters like 'ch', this version is only for one-letter characters!
'!!! and there must be all characters used in array p(), this version hasn't any control for unknown letters!!!
CONST sINIT="space a á b c č d ď e é ě f g h i í j k l m n ň o ó p q r ř s š t ť u ů ú v w x y ý z ž" 'order for sorting
p1=split(sINIT, " ")
for i=lbound(p1) to ubound(p1)
if p1(i)="space" then
p1(i)=" "
exit for
end if
next i
rem the array with items to sort :-) -> use only characters that are in constant sINIT !!!
p=array("aa", "baba", "ba", "oba", "baobab", "ob", "bob", "boa", "a", "aa", "aaa", "ah", "ahoj", "ahu", "aha", "ah", "aa", "", "", "grázl", "aa", "aab", "cáco", "cácora", " chamraď", "čmuchači", "chechot", "vochechule", "vochmelka", "smraďoch", "svoloč", "tupec", "jasoň", "buřič", "drsoň", "blivajz", "lemra", "čumič", "žvanil", "grázl", "jasoň", "buřič", "drsoň", "bli vajz", "blivajz", "lemra", "čumič", "bab", "cab", "bábovka", "bab", "cab", "babizna", "aaa", "aa", "bb", "aa", "a a", "aa", " aaa", "aa", "aa", "aaa", "aa", "a", "b", "bb")
rem 1) Detect used characters
if ubound(p)=-1 then exit sub 'entry input array
for i=lbound(p) to ubound(p)
s=p(i) 'current word
if s<>"" then
for j=1 to iLen
a=asc(mid(s, j, 1)) 'ascii code of current character
if a<min then min=a 'minimal ascii code
if a>max then max=a 'maximal ascii code
pb(a)=true 'character is used
next j
else 'count of empty strings
end if
next i
rem 2) create indexed arrays
redim gpi(1+ubound(p1)) : i=0
dim p2(min to max) 'the index is the ascii code, the value is the sorting order
for each s in p1
if a>=min AND a<=max then 'maybe the character is used
if pb(a) then
gpi(iCount)=s 'character is used
end if
end if
redim preserve gpi(iCount)
'xray gpi
'xray p2
rem 3) build the tree
dim tree(ubound(gpi)) : tree(0)=0 'first element is: array(Count of word; true/false = if the current branch has some sub-branches)
dim level as variant, p3() 'level is current branch; p3() is temporary array
for i=lbound(p) to ubound(p)
s=p(i) : iLen=len(s) 'current word
level=tree 'current branch for loop
for j=1 to iLen 'go through characters in word
s1=mid(s, j, 1) 'current character
rem add the array to the tree
if isEmpty(level(index)) then 'still no character in cell in branch
if j=iLen then 'last character from word, so it means end of word
level(index)=1 'put only number
tree(0)=tree(0)+1 'increase the count of all words
else 'no last character
redim p3(iCount) 'new branch with empty values
p3(0)=0 'count is 0; but the sub-branch is
level(index)=p3 'add new branch to tree
level=level(index) 'take new branch
end if
elseif isArray(level(index)) then 'the letter is in branch
if j=iLen then 'last character from word, so it means end of word
level(index)(0)=level(index)(0)+1 'increase the count of word
tree(0)=tree(0)+1 'increase the count of all words
else 'no last character
level=level(index) 'take new branch
end if
else 'the letter was last for some previous word, so move the number of count to new sub-array to index(0)
redim p3(iCount) 'new branch with empty values
p3(0)=level(index) 'count is moved to new branch
level(index)=p3 'add new branch to tree
level=level(index) 'take new branch
end if
next j
next i
rem 4) read the tree
redim gpOut(tree(0)) 'same size for output array like the input array
a=msgbox("Yes - list without duplicities" & chr(13) & "No - only uniques", 35)
if a=6 then 'Yes - LIST
recurArray(tree, "") 'condition in recursion is >0
gpOut(0)=array("TOTAL", tree(0)) 'total count of items
elseif a=7 then 'No - UNIQUES
for i=1+lbound(tree) to ubound(tree) 'for uniques is problem with 1st index tree(0) because it is total count of all items, so it need go from tree(1)
if NOT isEmpty(tree(i)) then recurArrayUniques(tree(i), gpi(i)) 'condition in this recursion is =1
next i
gpOut(0)=array("UNIQUES", gi-1) 'total count of items
else 'Cancel
exit sub
end if
redim preserve gpOut(gi-1)
rem 5) report the result
for i=lbound(gpOut) to ubound(gpOut)
s=s & gpOut(i)(0) & " " & gpOut(i)(1) & "×"
if i<> ubound(gpOut) then s=s & chr(13)
next i
msgbox(s, 0, "Sorted & Counted")
exit sub
bug(Erl, Err, Error, "TreeSort")
End Sub
Function recurArray(level as variant, s$) 'recursion for reading the branches, output to global array gpOut
on local error goto bug
dim i&
if level(0)>0 then 'for the count of current word
gpOut(gi)=array( s, level(0) ) 'add to global output array
end if
if isArray(level) then
for i=1+lbound(level) to ubound(level) 'next indexes in branch
if NOT isEmpty(level(i)) then recurArray(level(i), s & gpi(i)) 'get the sub-branch
next i
end if
exit function
bug(Erl, Err, Error, "recurArray")
End Function
Function recurArrayUniques(level as variant, s$) 'only one difference unto recurArray is in condition If ... Then
on local error goto bug
dim i&
if level(0)=1 then 'for the count of current word
gpOut(gi)=array( s, level(0) ) 'add to global output array
end if
if isArray(level) then
for i=1+lbound(level) to ubound(level) 'next indexes in branch
if NOT isEmpty(level(i)) then recurArrayUniques(level(i), s & gpi(i)) 'get the sub-branch
next i
end if
exit function
bug(Erl, Err, Error, "recurArrayUniques")
End Function
Sub bug(sErl$, sErr$, sError$, sFce$) 'error message
msgbox("line: " & sErl & chr(13) & sErr & ": " & sError, 16, sFce)
End Sub
I also re-discovered Radix sort before about 5 years, but TreeSort isn’t Radix :-).