[ Here we go again]Icons Missing in all LO modules v

Pls note this includes ALL modules: Writer, Calc, et. al.

**Icons are missing in ALL LO modules regardless of how it was installed:

* from Fedora repository via cli * from snap * from flatpak

Calc is also missing icons but this platform would not allow me to embed a second image.

Specs: NAME="Fedora Linux" VERSION="37 (Workstation Edition)" ID=fedora VERSION_ID=37 VERSION_CODENAME="" PLATFORM_ID="platform:f37" PRETTY_NAME="Fedora Linux 37 (Workstation Edition)" ANSI_COLOR="0;38;2;60;110;180" LOGO=fedora-logo-icon CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:37" DEFAULT_HOSTNAME="fedora" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Fedora" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT_VERSION=37 REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Fedora" REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION=37 SUPPORT_END=2023-11-14 VARIANT="Workstation Edition" VARIANT_ID=workstation

LO version: Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community Build ID: 9f56dff12ba03b9acd7730a5a481eea045e468f3 CPU threads: 8; OS: Linux 6.3; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3 Locale: en-US (en_US.UTF-8); UI: en-US Calc: threaded

Is this the same bug that appeared in LO 5.x?

How does this get fixed?

Constructive suggestions welcomed.

Moved from Site Feedback to category English as Site Feedback is for, well, feedback on this Ask site. Tagged common for the “all modules”.

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We don’t know what your “same bug that appeared in LO 5.x” would be, but try to

dnf reinstall libreoffice-gtk3

It seems that the action was reverted. Moved again.

The icons are obviously there, as seen on the screenshot. They are seen as “shadows”, which would obviously not be seen if icons were missing. But their shadow-y look hints that LibreOffice uses some dark mode theme; it could be a bug of misdetection of the system theme, or some strange system set-up (e.g., a real dark mode + manual bright overridden colors), or wrong VCL package not matching the actual DE (is it actually Gnome or something properly managed by gtk3?), or a manually chosen wrong icon pack.

And given that the other UI elements are light, I think it’s the last case: the manually chosen Sifr (dark) - see Options → LibreOffice → View, Icon Theme selector.

Or it could be Issue #361: Use Sifr icon theme for LibreOffice - fedora-workstation - Pagure.io, that changed the default for Fedora since 7.5.1, and for which, @caolan could have some idea…

What I’ve been able to gather so far is that the OS F/37, is using GTK 3.24.38, which is evidently responsible for the proper display of anything GUI on the OS and which is 100% the reason why the OS as installed from the "live iso) was only using LO v7.4.1.2

I had uninstalled because I believed that a pkg I had installed for the OS had adversely affected LO. Of course, when I reinstalled LO, I did not realize that it was the latest version 7.5.x which is using GTK 4 and encountered the same result.

Fedora 37 is notorious for fubars of this nature so rather than reinvent the wheel and spend months trying to figure out how to fix a simplistic icon display in LO, I am simply going to install LO since I know that it displays/works as expected. There is a reason F37 only had version and now I know why.

GTK 4 is evidently a steaming pile of fail on certain Linux distros and F37 firmly falls into that particular category. So anyone who finds this thread, if your OS is F37, AVOID LO V.7.5.x since it uses GTK 4.

As with most things regarding Fedora, eventually, it will correctly incorporate GTK4 at some point (probably around the time GTK4 is becoming GTK 5.)

So the solution for my OS version is to use a previous version of LO not using GTK 4.

Using the distribution’s LibreOffice on F37 I do not experience any such thing at all. Looks like it should. Using a self-compiled LO 7.5.x no problem either. Your allegations don’t hold. In particular, your LO 7.5 did not use gtk4, as the About said:

to reiterate:

LO v. works/displays as expected ON FEDORA 37

LO latest version as of today’s date is 7.5.3 does not display properly ON FEDORA 37

I stand by my previous comment/solution ON FEDORA 37

Of course, if you prefer to go round & round & round & round with trying to get LO 7.5.3 ON FEDORA 37 to display/work properly, you are certainly welcome to it.

Me? I’m going to install the version I know displays/works as expected ON FEDORA 37.

I believe there’s something weird in your configuration. I was under F37 until mid-May when I upgraded to F38. I never experienced your behaviour. I have installed libreoffice-gtk3, -kf5 and -x11 so that I can test the various UI looks. So, we probably need more information about your configuration. Which desktop manager is active? What kind of theme (both OS and LO)? Are you under Xorg or Wayland? The latter has issues with some nVidia GPUs forcing to disable some features.

I just installed LO 7.5.3 ON FEDORA 37 downloaded from Download LibreOffice | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft and it displays all good.

is just a wrong assumption, it does not use gtk4.

% ls -1 /opt/libreoffice7.5/program/libvclplug*
% ldd /opt/libreoffice7.5/program/libvclplug_gtk3lo.so | grep gtk
        libgtk-3.so.0 => /lib64/libgtk-3.so.0 (0x00007f8aa3800000)