Hi tried to install the LibreOffice_6.3.6_Linux and i got a notification saying error: dependency is not satisfiable: libobasis6.3-en-us (>=

image description
Attached are the details of my computer system. Kindly help me update my libre office version.


This makes me assume, that you downloaded .deb packages from TDF (libreoffice.org) and you are not using Ubuntu’s PPA for 6.3. Is that correct?

Which command did you use to install (dpkg -i *.deb)?
Did you completely remove anything related to distribution specific LibreOffice files?
What does dpkg --list | awk '/ii/&&/libreoffice/||/libobasis/{print $2}' tell now?

Please do **not** use *Add Answer* but **[edit](https://ask.libreoffice.org/t/hi-tried-to-install-the-libreoffice-6-3-6-linux-and-i-got-a-notification-saying-error-dependency-is-not-satisfiable-libobasis6-3-en-us-6-3-6-2/53351)** your original question to enhance the details of your question. Thanks in advance …