Hidden columns cause empty pages

I often place stuff on columns next to the area which I wish to print out and hide those columns. The sheets that I’m working on at the moment have 150 - 200 rows of hidden data on columns A, B and C of which is then parsed the needed to 60 rows that fits on A4 paper. Print preview shows and PDF export prints 3 to 4 empty pages. So Calc determines a rectangular print area by cornering cells containing anything that would be printed even if one corner is hidden.

Should it work like that?

I’ve found two workarounds, so the problem is gone, only the above question remains. First one is obvious; determine print range. I thought this wouldn’t work for me very well because I need to add new sheets and I remember in OpenOffice one needs to add new sheets to the document’s print range, LibreOffice seems to handle different print ranges per sheet.

Second method is to also hide the rows below the desired printable area, in my case from row 61 to 150/200.

The same happens with rows. Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.enter code here

So choose menu Format - Print Ranges - Define (or Edit… if already defined).

Or, select range to print and select Print Selected Cells in the Print dialog.

So choose menu Format - Print Ranges - Define (or Edit… if already defined).

Or, select range to print and select Print Selected Cells in the Print dialog.