I am using Zotero as a reference manager in Writer. To make my documents compatible with Word, Zotero offers the option to insert citations as bookmarks instead of fields. The problem I have is, I am working on a large document with contributions from many people, using different ref managers etc. when integrating these contributions the reference links normally break but the citation is still in the text. So I have now text with the citations I inserted properly linked to my Zotero and those of others just being text or fields with no connection anymore. It would be really helpful if writer would highlight bookmarked text so I could immediately see which citations will show up in the Bibliography and which are broken.
I know that you can navigate manually through bookmarks, but with hundreds of bookmarks this is not an option.
Please tell me that you can highlight bookmarks the same way you can highlight fields… PLEASEEEEE.
Cheers, T.