I’m trying to highlight some ranges of an existing diagram.
The original diagram shows temperatures (Y axis, Celsius degrees) along a X axis (time with an infraday resolution). It’s typed XY scatter.
To highlight the desired timeframes, the diagram type is changed to Area. Existing data series are formated with no filled area, only a border. To higlight some areas, a new data series is added to the second Y axis. This data series is formated with a colored area and no border. Its values are either 0 or 1. Another series will be added later (there is a need for two distinct highlighting).
This above-described way achieves highligting with penalties:
- the scale of the X axis is no more configurable with the needed resolution. The closest the Date type can do is day and that does not work: all data points for a given day are on the same vertical line. Auto and Text types do not allow for any configuration (min, max…);
- undesired border along the axes for original data series;
- legend’s symbols are misleading: original data series are shown with a transparent square with a very thin colored border. I’d like only the full-size border shown.
How do I do highlight precise ranges of a diagram with Calc without these drawbacks?