Highlighting and background color for field and table over background image

Hi everyone,

I’m setting a document with custom properties and a table in title page with a background image. I want highlighting color for a field and background color for the table. I’m trying to solve this, but I can’t. May you help me?

Thank you very much,

MC_Estandar.odt (609.4 KB)

Choose menu Format - Page Style - Area tab and add the background as Image.

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DomDunk, your sample file contains two images. (One as the background image: it has 11 KiB file size. But the another one has 500 KiB file size, and the physical size is 49.12x14.57 cm. Where you want to put is on an Letter size page???
Always optimize the images BEFORE you embed them into a document. Here is a .png version of your image with 8 colors and with a size for the width between the margins of the Default page style for your sample file:

The file size is ~40KiB now.

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When you handle such complex document (involving field insertion and other advanced features), you must format it strictly and methodically wit paragraph and character styles. Proceeding with direct formatting as you do is the most reliable track to failure (or insurmountable difficulties) in the end.

First page doesn’t display the same here (Fedora 38 Linux, KDE Plasma desktop, LO

  • because of different fonts installed, line wrap occurs after “PARA” in your long property
  • in this same property, I have initial M and second line with gray highlighting and rest of first line after initial M without highligting
    What did you do to the field? This is the first time I meet such a behaviour.

As already mentioned, learn how to use styles if you hope for consistent formatting. It is much easier to do it with them compared to direct formatting. Read the Writer Guide for an introduction to the concept and practice a bit to get familiar with the effects.

Your “background” image is inserted just like you’d do it for an illustration accompanying text. To avoid difficulties (every time you presently click on the page not directly on text, you select the image), follow @LeroyG’s advice to really put the image in the page background so that it no longer reacts to clicks. What you did was only to send it below the text (text background) but it is still click-sensitive.

Your image is anchored To page. It happens that in this case this is logically correct because you want it to appear only on page 1 but this anchor mode is erroneous in 99% of the cases because it is a DTP-like mode. The behaviour is absolutely not what newbies think it is. It is preferable to insert it in the page background (follow @LeroyG’s procedure).

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Thank you very much for your help,

The second image came out by mistake. It was not relevant to the specific case.

I already included the image with the area background on the first page.


I’m going to review ajlittoz’s tips.

Thank you so much Ajlittoz,

I tried to solve it using styles. The problem is that when the field is cut into two lines, the highlighting is lost in the second. I tried with paragraph style and character style. You can see that the problem is only with the fields.

Could it be a Writer bug?
MC_Estandar.odt (598.7 KB)

I just experimented. Character style is applied across linewrap. There is something else in your file because it doesn’t display the same here as on the screenshot. Here, randomly, only the first character of a field is highlighted: On the first line, only D in DT01 is red; MEMORIA … is printed on 3 lines (because of the difference in font) and only the first M is red.

If I copy everything in a new document and restore the properties, everything is fine.

It is likely your document has been damaged in a non-trivial way at some stage.


Thank you very much