Hover on dual monitors splits the note

Win 10 set to auto update

Using a dual monitor splits the icon information.
Not sure if it is my monitor settings or a ‘bug’?

The two picture are from the docked Navigator, which is on my left screen/right side.
023-07-26 hover screen right
2023-07-26 113037 hover screen left

You apparently split the view (screenshot) per monitor, so it is a bit difficult to understand your question. Not seeing your screens, I’d say LO window spans the monitors. You are perfectly allowed to have a window extending on both. LO considers window area when laying out its elements, without consideration for screen limits. If this bothers you, ensure any window does not spill over to next screen. And also ensure your OS knows the relative position of screens to avoid weird situation where cursor leaves the left edge of left screen to reappear on right edge of right screen.

Here is a screenshot of both monitors.
Is it possible to have the hover information to go to the screen that the toolbar is on? i.e., in my case, it would all be on left screen?
2023-07-26 121236 dual screenshot

It is probably a Window$ thing. I am under Linux, KDE Plasma desktop with 3 monitors and I can’t reproduce the behaviour. Even when I make my window straddle a separating edge, the desktop manager always shifts the tooltip horizontally so that it displays completely on the screen where the mouse is.

Thanks, I’m looking at my settings for the monitors now.
That seems to be the issue…my bad. :upside_down_face: