I’m trying to simplify things: Firebird
But I need help connecting to the default employee database.
I’m trying to simplify things: Firebird
But I need help connecting to the default employee database.
More information needed.
How do you connect to the database?
Eror message?
Extract the jaybird-jdk18-4.0.0-beta-1.zip, then add the folder to the Class Path in LibreOffice and restart >LibreOffice:
JDBC Connection
JDBC driver class: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver does not work!
In Class Path: Add Archive - /path/to/jaybird-full.X.X.X.jar
Connection String:\databases\mydatabase.fdb
Read: https://www.ibphoenix.com/files/ConnectionStrings_Fb3.pdf
Thanks! That got me further.
I copied employee.fdb and it was messed up. How can I edit this to handle the space in the path?
firebirdsql://localhost:3050/c:/Program Files/Firebird/Firebird_3_0/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb
Try replacing the space with %20
Thanks Ratslinger, I’ll have to try that. I did get LO to display the tables by using the firebirdsql:oo: protocol. I need to rest. Hard to make an example of the easiest employee db!
How do I use alias: firebirdsql:oo://localhost:employee ?
firebirdsql:oo:localhost/3050:employee seems to work even though still indicates an error.
Not certain what error you are getting. On Linux have used this:
Note that this does not use a port (default), has the full path to the database and includes the Character set used.
Also, I did not use the Jaybird 4.x beta connector but rather the 3.x connector from Firebird. No problems with it.
Thanks again! The ?charSet=UTF-8 got rid of the error message.