How access Firebird employee db via JDBC?

I’m trying to simplify things: Firebird

But I need help connecting to the default employee database.

More information needed.
How do you connect to the database?
Eror message?

Extract the, then add the folder to the Class Path in LibreOffice and restart >LibreOffice:
JDBC Connection

JDBC driver class: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver does not work!

In Class Path: Add Archive - /path/to/jaybird-full.X.X.X.jar

Connection String:\databases\mydatabase.fdb


Thanks! That got me further.

I copied employee.fdb and it was messed up. How can I edit this to handle the space in the path?

firebirdsql://localhost:3050/c:/Program Files/Firebird/Firebird_3_0/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb


Try replacing the space with %20.

Thanks Ratslinger, I’ll have to try that. I did get LO to display the tables by using the firebirdsql:oo: protocol. I need to rest. Hard to make an example of the easiest employee db!

How do I use alias: firebirdsql:oo://localhost:employee ?

firebirdsql:oo:localhost/3050:employee seems to work even though still indicates an error.


Not certain what error you are getting. On Linux have used this:


Note that this does not use a port (default), has the full path to the database and includes the Character set used.

Also, I did not use the Jaybird 4.x beta connector but rather the 3.x connector from Firebird. No problems with it.

Thanks again! The ?charSet=UTF-8 got rid of the error message.