How can I access MS Publisher files using Libre 5.2?

How can I access MS Publisher files using Libre 5.2? What application should I use to open it? Writer - Impress - what

Do you think MS Word or another component of MS Office can open Publisher files? If not, why should LibO be suspected to be prepared for the job?
However, LibO will accept an MS Publisher 1998-2010 (*.pub) file for loading. If there is a usable result I cannot tell.

The reason I asked is that the Libre promo features screen says it can access Publisher files.
Just didn’t know what application to use to try to open one,

You see, I didn’t post an answer but only commented on your question. The reasons are:
-1- I haven’t a single .pub file to test.
-2- I just expect LibO will choose the best fitting component anywy.
-3- I expect a result somehow similar to what we get opening a .pdf with LibO ‘Draw’: Next to unusable.
-4- I looked for “How to open Publisher files without MS Publisher” on the web, and nobody seemed to know a useful answer.

Hello @AstroLibre,

LibreOffice Draw can open .pub files,

please see “What are the 5.x Draw Import/Export Filters?”