How can I add a second alphabetical index?

I have created the first alphabetical index and I would like to create another one. I selected “User-defined” (because I had used the alphabetical) but it has not the same features as alphabetical (it’s just a list of entries with pages). How can I create the another index with the same features? Thank you.

I tried to do that in a document of mine where I wanted to insert several specifically targeted alphabetical indexes to make them individually smaller. Unfortunately, it seems Writer accepts only a single alphabetical index. User-defined “indexes” behave like a TOC: entries are sorted in the order they appear in text not on the key value and identical keys are not merged into a single entry with a list of pages.

An imperfect workaround would be to group entries using “1st key” as the index name. However, this removes one level of key grouping (not really important in my case since I use at most one level: the entry itself and the category for the entry, leaving the remaining level for the index name). Also, with this workaround, you can’t have a page break between the simulated index tables (and consequently no different headers). Formatting the aggregated indexes is not optimal either.

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EDIT 2020-01-23

Your question is the same as an older mine.
. Follow the link, but there is still no answer.


Only one alphabetical index can be created for the entire document, but one can be created per chapter. Wouldn’t that meet the need?


How do you mean “per chapter”? Like a table of contents?