How can I best suggest that a given answer should be a comment?

In my short time on this site, I’ve come across many answers that do not seem to try to answer the question directly. I have seen requests for more information, comments on other answers, or just “I have the same problem”.

On other Q&A websites (notably the Stack Exchange sites) it is possible to flag for moderator attention, who can then move the non-answers to the comments section, or delete them altogether. Here I have (IMHO) politely asked to change an answer into a comment, but as a newcomer with low karma and users who may no longer be active I am not keeping my hopes up.

The only flag possibility appears to be for marking spam or offensive content, not for ‘general’ moderator attention.

Should I continue to post comments asking for changes? Should I mention known moderators in these comments? Should I point to help or FAQ pages? Or can a generic flag possibility be enabled?

There’s a “∇ more” button below an answer (maybe only visible with enough karma points?):

repost as a question comment

repost as a comment under t[he answer?]


I have changed my original answer here (Apr 16 '12) to a comment – with option (2) today.

That looks like it is what I would like to do, but I can only perform that with my own answers. A similar ‘button’ exists for comments, to make them answers, but again only for my own comments.

if you can know naything about this comment, then you need to tell me more from australianwritings and I thinnk that there will so much new to enjoy there. You can see why they need it.

On other Q&A websites (notably the Stack Exchange sites) it is possible to flag for moderator attention, who can then move the non-answers to the comments section, or delete them altogether.

Those with enough karma can delete / close a question or answer. The requirement to convert an answer to a comment is one of the known shortcomings of the AskBot software used by this site. As indicated in the related AskBot forum thread there are issues relating to length i.e., comments are more restricted in length than answers. Do we crop an answer that is too long, when converting it to a comment? This may be inelegant.

Another aspect (related to this implementation) is karma and how this limits the ability of the new user to post attachments (which are current restricted anyway - refer fdo#52553) and comments, but not answers. The reasoning behind this is that posting a new answer forces the question to top of the list (i.e., it is more visible) and thus SPAM can be more readily identified in answer form, than comment form. Not ideal, but for now at least this seems to be the rationale.

The only flag possibility appears to be for marking spam or offensive content, not for ‘general’ moderator attention.

This is partly related to this AskBot software feature request to provide a custom reason when flagging a question or answer.

Note: I am not a moderator or admin for this site, although I do have enough karma to edit questions and answers.

Can I conclude from your answer that you suggest I gather karma so that I can edit questions and answers myself, but converting answers to comments in general is not possible? I guess adding comments is then the only thing I can really do, isn’t it?

There is no easy answer, for the reasons indicated. For the time being, gaining karma is probably the best option. If you are active on the forum, it will not take long to reach 500 karma.