How can I change a rectangle to a rounded rectangle?

Rather than deleting and recreating a lot of shapes in my diagram I’d like to change them all from a regular rectangle to a rounded rectangle, maintaining their connections to other rectangles and text labels.


I do not know how to do this directly in LibreOffice. You can Save As your document in Flat XML ODF format, open this new document in a text editor (e.g. NotePad++), to replace all (enable regular expressions):



<draw:enhanced-geometry svg:viewBox="0 0 21600 21600" draw:path-stretchpoint-x="10800" draw:path-stretchpoint-y="10800" draw:text-areas="?f3 ?f4 ?f5 ?f6" draw:type="round-rectangle" draw:modifiers="3600" draw:enhanced-path="M ?f7 0 X 0 ?f8 L 0 ?f9 Y ?f7 21600 L ?f10 21600 X 21600 ?f9 L 21600 ?f8 Y ?f10 0 Z N">
      <draw:equation draw:name="f0" draw:formula="45"/>
      <draw:equation draw:name="f1" draw:formula="$0 *sin(?f0 *(pi/180))"/>
      <draw:equation draw:name="f2" draw:formula="?f1 *3163/7636"/>
      <draw:equation draw:name="f3" draw:formula="left+?f2 "/>
      <draw:equation draw:name="f4" draw:formula="top+?f2 "/>
      <draw:equation draw:name="f5" draw:formula="right-?f2 "/>
      <draw:equation draw:name="f6" draw:formula="bottom-?f2 "/>
      <draw:equation draw:name="f7" draw:formula="left+$0 "/>
      <draw:equation draw:name="f8" draw:formula="top+$0 "/>
      <draw:equation draw:name="f9" draw:formula="bottom-$0 "/>
      <draw:equation draw:name="f10" draw:formula="right-$0 "/>
      <draw:handle draw:handle-position="$0 top" draw:handle-switched="true" draw:handle-range-x-minimum="0" draw:handle-range-x-maximum="10800"/>

I have done only a few tests but there is no risk to try since you work on a copy of the original document
