- LibreOffice Writer
- Version - Dutch
- Windows 8.1 - Dutch
It seems to happen that when I select a certain row of enumeration and change its font, it changes the font of all other enumeration lists in the whole document. Example:
- B. Klaus and P. Horn, Robot Vision. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986.
- L. Stein, “Random patterns,” in Computers and You, J. S. Brake, Ed. New York: Wiley, 1994, pp. 55-70.
- …
Attachment 1 - Hello World C Code
- /* Hello World program */
- #include < stdio.h >
- main()
- {
printf("Hello World");
- }
I would like to have two different fonts for the bibliography enumeration and the code enumeration. I’ve tried a lot of things already, but none have worked so far. Whenever I select one list of enumeration and change it font/size/etc, it applies to both lists… The only thing that does work is changing the kind of numbers, like [1], (1) or {1} individually. It’s very disturbing for me, please help me! I have added the .odt file which has this problem for me.
Extra details:
The “Bibliography” and “Attachment 1 - Hello World C Code” are both heading 1 style. They are both on different pages seperated with the use of ctrl+enter.