How can I change the font of comments?

Best I can tell, this has been a bug for seven or eight years. Has everyone just given up on it?

Currently, in Writer 6.4, I can go to Format > Comments and make some simple font changes for comments that will apply to all existing comments. All new comments will be in the default document font. Moreover, when I save, close, and reload the document, the changes revert back to the default as well. What, then, is the point of the format option?

My ideal, I think, would be two things:

  1. Either have the Format menu choice work or have a Comments option under Options > LibreOffice Writer > Basic Fonts. A cool alternative might be to have a Comments style that could be modified like any other style, but generally speaking I mostly want to make simple changes.
  2. How about resize functionality on the Comments column? It feels squeezed in there like they don’t actually want you using it. You could include it under the Format menu option, for instance, if it wasn’t just a click + grab situation.


I’m running v7.6.4.1 on MacOS.
The Style field is greyed out when I am in a comment?
I cannot set it?
Is there something I need to do to enable the fix?
Regards, Donovan.

@Donovan ,
Right-click in the comment and select “Format all comments”.

Yes that works.
But the BUG promised a persistent change that would also apply to new comments:
That does not work.
I end up re-formatting all comments after creating a new comment.

This (Change with styles) is planned from the new version 24.2 in February 2024.