How can i change the set of menu icons on the calc toolbar

I’m installing LO on a Mac. In the past it’s been possible to change the set of icons at the top: New file is a file icon, Open is a folder icon, insert a link can be a globe or a chain. The icon for the draw functions menu can be different.

I’ve changed to different sets before on windows and linux machines, but I forget how and I can’t find a menu entry for it.

Can someone point me to where this is done?


For the icon themes, in the menu click Tools > Options > LibreOffice > View and select from Icon Theme.

Sorry I’ve seen an Options entry there on windows but not this time. This is a mac, which seems to be different (first clip).

But I did find it under (top menu item next to the apple icon)
LibreOffice > Preferences > Libreoffice > View (second clip)

Solutions for mac in my comment