How can I convert Apache Open Office 4.0 documents to a new Mac, “Pages” 8.0 to new documents, while doing it on the new Mac Mojave 10.14.5?
I downloaded the files via drive to the new Mac but when opened the files are dysfunctional.
Thank you
How can I convert Apache Open Office 4.0 documents to a new Mac, “Pages” 8.0 to new documents, while doing it on the new Mac Mojave 10.14.5?
I downloaded the files via drive to the new Mac but when opened the files are dysfunctional.
Thank you
This question is not related to LibreOffice: neither Apache OpenOffice nor “Pages” is LibreOffice.
“when opened the files are dysfunctional”
What application are you using to open the files?
Edit your question or use another comment to provide your answer.
Most likely your files are ok.
As an office application, Apple Pages for Mac is dysfunctional in that it does not support the odf standard, which is the only iso certified standard in common use for office documents.
Complain to the publisher of the software you are using and which is giving you trouble, not to this place. While you wait for a response from Apple (I wouldn’t hold my breath in anticipation) ditch Pages and start using LO Writer instead.